Enhancing Natural Beauty

At LashMe, we specialize in providing beauty solutions that enhance your natural features. From eyelash extensions to permanent makeup, our services are designed to help you look and feel your best. With high-quality products and comprehensive training, we also support beauty professionals in their pursuit of excellence.

photo of assorted makeup products on gray surface
photo of assorted makeup products on gray surface
Eyelash Extensions
woman peeking over green leaf plant taken at daytime
woman peeking over green leaf plant taken at daytime

FAQ: Eyelash Extensions at LashMe Studio

1. What are eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions are synthetic strands designed to mimic real lashes, attached to your natural lashes to enhance thickness, length, and curl. Each set is customized to the individual's preferences.

2. How long do eyelash extensions last?

Eyelash extensions require maintenance every 2-3 weeks. The longevity varies based on lifestyle and care, but with regular refills, extensions can be worn indefinitely.

3. How should I care for my eyelash extensions?

- Avoid getting lashes wet for the first 3 hours post-application.

- Use oil-free products around your eyes.

- Prefer special eyelash care products over tissues or cotton.

- Avoid rubbing your eyes or sleeping on your stomach.

4. How long does the application procedure take?

Depending on the chosen set, the procedure can last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

5. Will extensions damage my natural lashes?

No, when applied correctly following safety guidelines, they do not damage your natural lashes.

6. Is the procedure painful?

The procedure is pain-free, with many clients finding it so relaxing they fall asleep.

7. How do I prepare for my appointment?

Arrive without makeup or creams and avoid wearing contact lenses during the procedure and for 48 hours afterward.

woman getting lips applied with lipstick
woman getting lips applied with lipstick
white and brown wooden rolling pin
white and brown wooden rolling pin
Professional Training

Are you passionate about beauty and want to turn it into a career? Our comprehensive training sessions are perfect for both newcomers and seasoned artists looking to refine their skills. Join us and become a certified beauty expert.